11. LIPP-Symposium: Language and Identity – from Social Construction to Cognition
Das 11. LIPP-Symposium fand vom 03. bis zum 04. Dezember statt.
"This year, the Annual symposium of the International Doctoral Programme LIPP is about Language and Identity and the interaction and interdependence of both. Language is the most powerful communicative and cognitive tool we have, not least because it helps us identify and categorize ourselves as well as others. Undoubtedly, language and identity play a role in both social interaction on one hand, and individual cognition on the other. Not surprisingly, the con- cepts of language and identity can thus be seen from a social constructivist view and a cognitive one, but these perspectives have traditionally been sepa- rated and addressed by different scholars working in different frameworks. The aim of this symposium is to bring diverse views on the topic together in an attempt to explain how social and individual identities are reflected on all levels of language (lexical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and prosodic). The symposium will address different issues such as idiolects, minority lan- guages, urban dialects, local identities, the performing of identities and identi- ty in discourses trying to focus throughout on the relation between social and cognitive factors."
Prof. Malcolm Coulthard
Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann
Prof. Gerard Docherty
Dr. Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Prof. Janet Holmes
Sabine Kobela M.A.
Dr. Wolfgang Kraus, Dipl. Psych.
Christina Märzhäuser M.A.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schmid
Prof. Dr. Thomas Krefeld
Begoña Payá Herrero, M.A.
Benjamin Meisnitzer, M.A
Sabine Kobela, M.A.
- 11th LIPP Symposium Programme (112 KByte)